Senior Consultant

Kelly Francone joined Energy Strategies in 2005.  Kelly is a senior consultant, as well as the Executive Director the Utah Association of Energy Users (UAE). The UAE is Utah’s largest consortium of industrial energy consumers, and is supported by Energy Strategies under Kelly’s direction. Her work involves the coordination of legislative and regulatory support for UAE.  This work entails researching, analyzing and assessing the technical and financial aspects of various energy issues, as well as determining the impact of regulatory actions on customer rates, and lobbying on behalf of UAE members at the Utah Legislature.  Kelly also manages the UAE web site and creates/publishes a weekly energy brief and monthly newsletter to keep clients abreast of energy-related news at both state and federal levels.  She also directs one of the largest annual energy conferences in the Western U.S., which brings together representatives from large industrial corporations, state regulation, the legislature, utilities, and other energy-related businesses.

Kelly also provides support to Northwest industrial energy users who are members of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities with regard to planning, policy development, and program management.  She also performs specific research and analysis for senior staff members on both regulated and unregulated energy issues.  She researches activities at the Western Electricity Coordinating Council as they relate to large energy users, energy producers and regulation in Utah.  She also tracks state and federal legislation to interact on behalf of industrial clients, as well as determining what impact such actions will have on energy rates.