Co-Director of Natural Gas Services

Don Hendrickson joined Energy Strategies in 2005. His work primarily involves project and facilities modeling for investment analysis and decision support. He also works with natural gas and electricity supply risk analysis, employing Monte Carlo and other simulation disciplines.

Don is a Director of the Industrial Gas Resource Corporation, a gas-buying member organization managed by the firm. In this capacity, he is involved in commodity procurement, nominations and balancing, price hedging, and regional pipeline market dynamics.

Prior to joining Energy Strategies, Don worked as a process analyst at Flying J, within the Supply and Distribution division. In that capacity, he worked on supply optimization projects, ethanol plant feasibility, business development, and customer risk management concepts. From 1996 to 2003, Don worked for Duke Energy Trading and Marketing in its Salt Lake City office as a Director of Power Trading. He was responsible for physical, financial, and option trading in the western region. He also took part in deal valuation and market pricing. Prior to his trading position, he worked in modeling and analysis dealing with generation assets, power and gas RFPs, and WSCC electricity supply and demand balance.