
Caitlin Liotiris leads many of Energy Strategies' efforts in electricity market development and advocacy, regional transmission planning and policy, and energy procurement arenas. Caitlin provides clients with a unique combination of technical capabilities and wide-ranging energy policy perspective. Her primary work efforts include advocacy at regional energy forums, supporting resource developers in market participation, performing market and regulatory evaluations, and facilitating the incorporation of new policies and market structures into the firm’s modeling tools. She applies her leadership, management, and broad industry perspective in directing and enhancing Energy Strategies’ strategic thinking, research, and analytical capabilities.  

For 15 years, Caitlin has been actively involved in transmission development and wholesale electricity market discussions throughout the West. Caitlin co-led the “State-Led Market Study” which helped Western States jointly evaluate potential wholesale energy market options in a neutral forum. She also co-authored several studies on the benefits of new transmission and has supported Order 1000 regional transmission planning efforts. Caitlin also brings a broad and deep knowledge of state and utility clean energy requirements, utilities’ plans to comply with these requirements, and market fundamentals related to renewable energy, especially in the West. Caitlin has been active in the development of an Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) in the Western Interconnection since it was conceptualized in 2010 and remains deeply involved in the many policy discussions aimed at expanding organized markets in the West, including efforts at the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).

Caitlin joined Energy Strategies in 2006. She has held various positions in regional venues, including previously on the WECC’s Standards Committee and the Peak Reliability Member Advisory Committee. She also participates in Markets+ working groups, including as a member of the Markets+ Transmission Working Group.